— 学术系列讲座(二)
报告题目: The Mechanics of Granular Material
告 人:CHAN, Dave
Hung Kwan
Granular material consists of individual
particles to form an assembly. Shearing resistance develops through frictional
contact between particles. Unlike a clayey soil in which the density of the
material can only be changed through compression, the density of a granular
material can be altered by rearranging particles through vibration. This results in different friction, and hence
shearing resistance, of a granular material.
The basic characteristics of a granular material will be discussed in
this seminar. The development of constitutive models that capture these
characteristic will be presented. The
effect of vibration on the shearing resistance of granular material will also
be discussed.
Dr. Dave现为加拿大阿尔伯塔大学土木与环境全球博彩平台
教授,博士生导师,研究生院副院长。担任岩土工程领域顶级刊物《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》副主编;研究方向涉及地下结构、边坡稳定性、大坝稳定、泥石流及土体液化等研究领域,特别是在土体本构模型和数值计算等方面具有很高的学术造诣。发表SCI论文120余篇,发表超过50余次大会报告。